Fun with Frank

A running, first draft only, write-yourself-into-and-out-of-a-corner kind of serial story.

Saturday, March 26, 2005


Home was an old victorian, slowly rotting itself into the ground. Frank walked up to the small apartment on the second floor and through the dingy used-to-be-white door. His roommate, Bryan, was standing in the kitchen/living room eating vegetables straight out of a can.
“Didya even heat that shit up?” Frank asked.
“Do I ever?”
Bryan worked at a coffee shop for steady income. The perks were that the apartment was always filled with decent coffee, half full cartons of milk and day old bagels and pastries. To earn extra money, Bryan occasionally did gay porno films. He wasn’t necessarily gay, but said that the shoots were cleaner, nicer and run better than their hetero counterparts.
Frank threw the copy of Wank down on the kitchen table and sifted through the layers of trash already there.
“Did I get any mail?” Frank asked.
“Nope,” Bryan replied around a mouthful of corn and lima beans.
Frank tossed his coat on the hand me down couch and started heading for his bedroom.
“Oh,” Bryan swallowed and cleared his throat. “Mary called.”
Franks shoulders sagged as he shuffled off to his bedroom


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