Fun with Frank

A running, first draft only, write-yourself-into-and-out-of-a-corner kind of serial story.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


He could hear the phone ringing on the other end and his heart was beating faster than it should be. He looked around to make sure his cigarettes were nearby and almost panicked when he didn’t see them at first in the desk drawer.
Frank was busy lighting his smoke and missed the window of opportunity in answering quick enough.
“Yo, hello? Is anybody fucking there?”
“Hey Teresa, is Mary there?”
He could hear the phone drop to the table on the other end. Teresa couldn’t stand Frank, which was fine with him actually. When Frank used to stay over, Teresa would play a Heart’s greatest hits CD very loudly while he and Mary were having sex. She also had a habit of not cleaning up the crap that her pet ferret left all over the apartment.
Mary acted like she didn’t know who was on the phone even though she did. He couldn’t explain why, but this drove Frank crazy.
“Hey Mary, Bryan said you called.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re ignoring me,” she said with that fucking baby voice. “It’s been like two weeks since I’ve heard from you.”
“Sorry, I’ve been running around like crazy lately.”
“Where were you at when I called earlier?”
It’s none of your business, we’re not together anymore; doing everything that drives you crazy; smoking, drinking and touching loose women in inappropriate places. Any of these answers would have been great, but...
“I went to see a movie with Mike.”
“Oh,” she said like she’d just touched something thick and sticky. She hated Mike and it made her crazy that Frank didn’t hate him too.
He smiled as he tapped ash into an empty Coke can.


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